FreedomFi Indoor CBRS small cell guide

Plug-and-Play Setup Guide


Step 1 – Placement

To start, make sure you select a good place for the Small Cell as obstructions will decrease coverage. CBRS signals have less range than LoRa. Similar to Wi-Fi they can be weakened or blocked by obstacles like walls, trees, and buildings. To capture the most data you can, you want your Small Cell to point towards a populated area, a place with a lot of people and phones.

Here are some tips for good locations for your small cell:

  • Coffee Shops
  • Restaurants
  • Indoor malls or gathering areas
  • Near a street facing window of a home or small business
Step 2 – Connect GPS

Connect the GPS Antenna to the back of the Small Cell labeled GPS. The other end should be placed near a window to help secure a GPS lock.

Step 3 – Connect the Ethernet cable to Small Cell

Connect the ethernet cable to the port labeled WAN on the SmallCell.

Step 4– Connect Ethernet cable to the Gateway

Connect the other end of the ethernet cable to the port labeled eNB1 the FreedomFi Gateway. Two additional CBRS small cells are supported on the eNB2 and eNB3 ports.

Step 5 – Connect Power to the Small Cell.

Connect the Power cable to the back of the Small Cell.

Step 6– Verify Led Status

If all goes well, you should see the leds come online. The SYNC, PWR, and WAN leds will be solid green after 10 minutes. The LTE led may take up to 24 hours and should be blue/ it may blink during connectivity. The small cell is now ready to use.

Step 7– Verify Connectivity Status
Visit the small cell dashboard using:http://freedomfi-gateway.local If all goes well you should see all statuses in green. Please note that the radio dashboard may not be available until the radio gets a GPS lock.
Step 8 – Connect a mobile device to the Radio

Follow the steps in this guide to test connectivity to the FreedomFi Small Cell.
The phones below have been confirmed to work:   


Appendix – Troubleshooting Led Status

The FreedomFi Indoor small cell comes with physical led indicators to provide status for troubleshooting. The table below can be used to rectify most common issues. If the LTE led is off while all other lights are on, you’ll need additional information from the FreedomFi Local Dashboard to resolve the problem.

To access the local dashboard, point your web browser to http://freedomfi-gateway.local from a device on the same network as the FreedomFi Gateway.
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